Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Author’s Greeting


 My name is Ronald. I’m an author. As a writer, I look upon the fundamental acknowledgments that could evolve through inspired and easy reading. I know, if done rewardingly, it could be an uplift into the many realms of love, joy, friendship, growth, and opportunity. I am a writer of mostly small books. I like to write some that are inspiring, some that are comical and romantic, some that are poetic, and lot that are easy reading. Don’t get me wrong. I am also inspired and compelled to write big books. My goal right now? I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but for the time that I do take up, I hope that you could have a good time. My opinion, sometimes, the quality of good books are sometimes small books that could brighten your arisen. If it inspiringly makes you want to get more into reading, I know, very rewardingly, as a writer, I’ve done a good job. And then, for more hopes of love, joy, and leisure, I hope that we could do more.

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